Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Write Your Artist Bio For Streaming Platforms And Socials


I will provide a Musical Artist Bio that encapsulates who YOU are as an artist and WHY listeners should be invested in your story.

I believe that an effective bio does the following things:
- Includes artist origin story
- Mentions two musical or artistic influences
- Implies a "Reason to Believe" (why should I be a fan?)

- Contributes to Myth-making and Brand-building 

This bio can be used on your personal artist website, on streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, and will inform narrative of press coverage during a release cycle.

As a Singer-Songwriter myself, I understand both a musician and listener perspective. I am absolutely open to suggestions while writing, and in-fact will require that you provide 1-2 musical influences as well as whatever relevant personal information you would like to disclose in the bio. Any details about your musical journey will help me round your bio into form. For example, have you been playing Open Mic Nights for 10 years? Have you been touring with established artists? Have you been making beats in your bedroom since you were 16? Are you self-taught? Can you play 10 instruments?

I look forward to working with you soon!



: : : : :

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